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Showing posts from November, 2018

Do your job with minimum expectations

Main cause of our dissatisfaction is our expectations. If we don't expect anything or will expect minimum we will be mostly happy. Do any job without attachment. Attachment cause expectations that cause pain if desire don't fulfilled. We can't control every thing. And every thing not happen accordingly, so get ready for unexpected results. Do one job and than go for another whenever you feel old one is now over. Thank you Note: here I try to express my self in minimum words,please don't go on words: )

Should teach life lesson

Lesson of life is most important. You have to observe your child and do accordingly. It all comes from your experience. Freedom with some limits is necessary . It's good for growth of brain. Either child will do some thing good or bad they will learn something for lifelong. It will be with them forever. Sometimes we must hold to see the mistake which we know the junior will do. Watch them and try to teach them from their own mistakes. These mistakes will be an example for them. Life ,nature and parents are best teacher of life Thank you Note:I always try to express me in least words so it could save your time. :)

Parenting comes from inside

Here I am going to share some of my thoughts about parenting. Parenting comes from inside. It's all about a good nourishment of your child from all perspective .                                  You are not only nourishing your child but also your future and the future of your country. So from one view it's patriotism. So being patriotic everybody must obey their liability.                                   In my view everybody tries their best , but no one could be exactly perfect. Their are always some opportunity to learn about parenting from any body else's experience and thoughts.                                               Their is no hard and fast rule. Should always observe your child and guide them accordingly. There are some conditions when you observe your child's behaviour gets changed ,this is time when your guidance could help him. It could be direct interfair or could be indirect through some stories, some actions, by guiding his friend etc. It